Mission Team Of 2012
This was my fourth visit to Lagos, Nigeria with a missionary team under the leadership of brother Michael and sister Louvenia Ladele. Each year I travel I can feel the love of the people and hunger for the Word of God.
Teaching the children at this year’s VBS was such a blessing to me. There were 350 children of different religious background that attended the two weeks camp and 85 of them accepted Christ. I also traveled with the team to Ibadan in Oyo State and visited an orphanage center. The young woman who is the founder of the center was overwhelmed from seeing the missionaries and the gifts received for the children that she could not hold back tears.
I thank every one who made great sacrifice and contribution that allows us take the gospel to other parts of the word as the great commission in MATTHEW 28:19-20. I plan to go back with the mission team in 2013 and thereby solicit your prayers and continuing support to the ministry.
Deacon- Jerome UpChurch
Member of True Light Fellowship Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I would like to thank you and tell you what a gift it is for me to be a member of International Bible Prophecy Revival (IBPR) and to travel to Nigeria for the first time to teach Vacation Bible School. It was both amazing and challenging to teach over 350 children. I spent two weeks pouring out the word of God into children. Our theme this summer was “Fishing on a Mission for Jesus”. While teaching the children, I simultaneously learned from them!
We accomplished a true feeling of togetherness in prayer. We all joined one another in spirit, in the fight to win souls! Along with establishing a “family”, we discovered a major breakthrough as a team. For me, this has been a gift and a blessing, which will continue to strengthen my faith, hope and ability to love. Today, my desire is to keep–keeping on for the Lord.
I never doubted the plan of God and the fact that IBPR would motivate me to want to live this plan with more intensity, to embrace it and love it. I am now seeking what God wants; I now know there are souls and projects which, like me, need someone to pray for them.
In conclusion, I just want to say, “It is a privilege to be part of this project, this mission of saving souls and today I can give a purpose to my life”. I promise you that from this day forward, I am going to pray and read much more to maintain my life of grace, especially for those who need me the most. Today, I realize to serve Christ is to Love Him and to love Him is to serve others.
Terri B. Johnson
(Missionary Team to Lagos, Nigeria, Africa – 2012)